Contact Us

Important contacts and phone numbers

School Address: 5720 Clermont Drive, Alexandria, VA 22310

School Web Curator: Leila Remaili | @email


This directory lists frequently called phone numbers. The names of the offices listed link to the offices’ websites or to their contact information. 

Quick Contacts Phone Number/Email Address
Main Office 703-921-2400
Main Office Fax 703-921-2497
Attendance 703-921-2424@email
Clinic 703-921-2410
SACC | Jermaine Lovelace 703-921-2460 | 703-921-2461
Student Information Assistant/Registrar 703-921-2401 | @email
School Based Military Student Support | Tiffany Velishka 703-921-2425 | @email 
School Counselor | Paula Treger 703-921-2419 | @email
School Psychologist | Jane-Ellen Monson 703-921-2483 | @email
School Social Worker | Traci Reno 703-921-2481 | @email